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Do I need a partner to take lessons?


No, we teach singles and couples.  Many of our couples take lessons separately.

If I have a partner, will I have to pay more?


No, you do not, since both you and your partner are in the same session with one instructor.

What if I have "two left feet?"


Not to worry.  We have highly qualified instructors who will work with you.  You'll be dancing in no time!

What dances should I learn?


Unless you have a specific dance you want to learn, your instructor can decide what dance style would suit you.  It is up to you.

Do I have to spend a lot of money?


Dancing is like any other hobby; something you do just for fun or you can spend a lot of time doing.  Again, it's up to you.

Are there places to go dancing, and practice what I am learning?


Yes.  We offer social dances every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings from 8-10 pm which are open to the public.


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